Heaps are data structures that efficiently maintain the minimum (or maximum) for a set of data that may dynamically change.
All heaps in this package are derived from AbstractHeap
, and provide the following interface:
# Let h be a heap, i be a handle, and v be a value.
length(h) # returns the number of elements
isempty(h) # returns whether the heap is empty
push!(h, v) # add a value to the heap
top(h) # return the top value of a heap
pop!(h) # removes the top value, and returns it
Mutable heaps (values can be changed after being pushed to a heap) are derived from AbstractMutableHeap <: AbstractHeap
, and additionally provides the following interface:
i = push!(h, v) # adds a value to the heap and and returns a handle to v
update!(h, i, v) # updates the value of an element (referred to by the handle i)
v, i = top_with_handle(h) # returns the top value of a heap and its handle
Currently, both min/max versions of binary heap (type BinaryHeap
) and mutable binary heap (type MutableBinaryHeap
) have been implemented.
Examples of constructing a heap:
h = binary_minheap(Int)
h = binary_maxheap(Int) # create an empty min/max binary heap of integers
h = binary_minheap([1,4,3,2])
h = binary_maxheap([1,4,3,2]) # create a min/max heap from a vector
h = mutable_binary_minheap(Int)
h = mutable_binary_maxheap(Int) # create an empty mutable min/max heap
h = mutable_binary_minheap([1,4,3,2])
h = mutable_binary_maxheap([1,4,3,2]) # create a mutable min/max heap from a vector
Functions using heaps
Heaps can be used to extract the largest or smallest elements of an array without sorting the entire array first:
nlargest(3, [0,21,-12,68,-25,14]) # => [68,21,14]
nsmallest(3, [0,21,-12,68,-25,14]) # => [-25,-12,0]
nlargest(n, a)
is equivalent to sort(a, lt = >)[1:min(n, end)]
, and nsmallest(n, a)
is equivalent to sort(a, lt = <)[1:min(n, end)]