An implementation of the Trie data structure. This is an associative structure, with AbstractString keys:
t = Trie{Int}()
t["Rob"] = 42
t["Roger"] = 24
haskey(t, "Rob") # true
get(t, "Rob", nothing) # 42
keys(t) # "Rob", "Roger"
keys(subtrie(t, "Ro")) # "b", "ger"
Trie(keys, values) # construct a Trie with the given keys and values
Trie(keys) # construct a Trie{Void} with the given keys and with values = nothing
Trie(kvs::AbstractVector{(K, V)}) # construct a Trie from the given vector of (key, value) pairs
Trie(kvs::AbstractDict{K, V}) # construct a Trie from the given associative structure
This package also provides an iterator partial_path(t::Trie, str)
for looping over all the nodes encountered in searching for the given string str
. This obviates much of the boilerplate code needed in writing many trie algorithms. For example, to test whether a trie contains any prefix of a given string, use:
seen_prefix(t::Trie, str) = any(v -> v.is_key, partial_path(t, str))