
An implementation of the Trie data structure. This is an associative structure, with iterable keys:

julia> t = Trie{Char,Int}();

julia> t["Rob"] = 42;

julia> t["Roger"] = 24;

julia> haskey(t, "Rob")

julia> get(t, "Rob", nothing)

julia> keys(t)
2-element Vector{String}:

julia> keys(subtrie(t, "Ro"))
2-element Vector{String}:

Note that the keys don't need to be Strings:

julia> t = Trie{Int,Char}();

julia> t[1:3] = 'a';

julia> t[[2,3,5]] = 'b';

julia> keys(t)
2-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
 [2, 3, 5]
 [1, 2, 3]


Trie(keys, values)                  # construct a Trie with the given keys and values
Trie(keys)                          # construct a Trie{K,Nothing} with the given keys and with values = nothing
Trie(kvs::AbstractVector{(K, V)})   # construct a Trie from the given vector of (key, value) pairs
Trie(kvs::AbstractDict{K, V})       # construct a Trie from the given associative structure

This package also provides an iterator partial_path(t::Trie, prefix) for looping over all the nodes encountered in searching for the given prefix. This obviates much of the boilerplate code needed in writing many trie algorithms. For example, to test whether a trie contains any prefix of a given string str, use:

seen_prefix(t::Trie, str) = any(v -> v.is_key, partial_path(t, str))

find_prefixes can be used to find all keys which are prefixes of the given string.

julia> t = Trie(["A", "ABC", "ABCD", "BCE"]);

julia> find_prefixes(t, "ABCDE")
3-element Vector{String}: