The CircularBuffer
type implements a circular buffer of fixed capacity
where new items are pushed to the back of the list, overwriting values in a circular fashion.
cb = CircularBuffer{Int}(n) # allocate an Int buffer with maximum capacity n
isfull(cb) # test whether the buffer is full
isempty(cb) # test whether the buffer is empty
empty!(cb) # reset the buffer
capacity(cb) # return capacity
length(cb) # get the number of elements currently in the buffer
size(cb) # same as length(cb)
push!(cb, 10) # add an element to the back and overwrite front if full
pop!(cb) # remove the element at the back
pushfirst!(cb, 10) # add an element to the front and overwrite back if full
popfirst!(cb) # remove the element at the front
append!(cb, [1, 2, 3, 4]) # push at most last `capacity` items
convert(Vector{Float64}, cb) # convert items to type Float64
eltype(cb) # return type of items
cb[1] # get the element at the front
cb[end] # get the element at the back
fill!(cb, data) # grows the buffer up-to capacity, and fills it entirely, preserving existing elements.